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'Annemieke is the Vice-Chair of the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ), mediator and a children’s rights consultant, working for Restorative Justice Netherlands and living in Utrecht with her family. We were interested to ask her about what difficulties the current crisis means for children and young people, as they are often even in a more vulnerable situation in times of social change. In our discussion Annemieke also reflected on what the EFRJ can during the crisis, and we asked her as well about the situation in the Netherlands. The interviews is a part of the #SolidarityOverDistance updates. ... What is the impact of the crisis on your work? It makes me think - with many others in the field - on how we can use restorative approaches in times of crises. How we can connect in different ways and provide support for vulnerable persons and those in need. And how can we cope with a pandemic crises this big, that takes so many people’s lives, something we have never experienced before.'

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