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     The purpose of the handbook is to provide more in-depth information about restorative justice for professionals working with offenders, ex-offenders, or people at risk of violent radicalisation and group violence. Restorative justice is not in opposition to current criminal justice practices, but complementary. It has proven to provide the justice system with alternative approaches that when implemented properly can increase victim satisfaction, reduce re-o ending, and increase community cohesion. Throughout the handbook, different aspects of violent radicalisation and restorative justice are presented, from a general introduction of the topic to example of trauma informed practice. This information is presented in six modules, each of which concludes with a brief quiz.

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    'A restorative justice approach works to repair harm and strengthen communities where wrong has occurred. It seeks to meet the needs of those harmed, while also considering the causes of the wrongful behavior in order to promote accountability and growth for the one who caused harm. This highly experiential workshop utilizes a trauma-informed approach, and provides frameworks for identifying and responding to the needs of all those who were impacted by the wrong. Participants will be trained in the philosophy of restorative justice and will learn the foundational skills for facilitating encounters that lead to restorative outcomes.'

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    'Unaddressed childhood trauma changes how we respond to the world and when triggered, we make choices that sometimes have devastating consequences including domestic violence, addiction, murder and prison. I, too, would have been incarcerated had I not had the privilege and support system I lucked into. Let's shift the paradigm of how we incarcerate, isolate and dehumanize the most traumatized members of our society.'

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    '“Trauma-informed care is not a program. It’s not a project. It is a philosophy and a way of being,” Triggiano said during a recent interview. “It’s not just about pretty walls or different colors. … It’s how you interact with somebody.” This approach, which is being promoted by the state of Wisconsin across multiple systems, was on display during a Family Drug Treatment Court session in Triggiano’s courtroom in March.'

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    'Abstract Along with the massive shifts and new knowledge generated in the fields of psychological trauma, the brain, and neuroscience, there is an expanding recognition that trauma informed approaches to working with people is an essential part of effective policy, practice, and institutional organization. As a powerful institution in society, law in general and the criminal justice system specifically, regularly encounters and deals with people, both as victims and offenders, whose lives have been shaped and harmed by traumatic events. In this paper we explain the benefits of taking a trauma informed approach to law and outline its consonance with restorative legal approaches. More effective, fair, intelligent and perhaps most importantly, more just legal responses must keep abreast of developments in the field, and work from a perspective which is trauma informed. This can only lead to more humane, sophisticated and effective justice interventions into people’s lives. '

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    'TRAUMA AND THE LAW: APPLYING TRAUMA-INFORMED PRACTICE TO LEGAL AND JUDICIAL CONTEXTS ABSTRACT The applicability of `trauma-informed practice’ to the practice of law is increasingly recognised. While originating from within the field of mental health, mounting evidence supports the contention that `more effective, fair, intelligent, and just legal responses must work from a perspective which is trauma-informed’ (Randall & Haskell, 2013). By contrast, implementation of trauma informed principles to the contexts of law remains in its infancy. This paper introduces the core principles of trauma-informed practice with reference to the many areas of legal practice to which they relate. The evidence base for widespread application of trauma-informed practice within and across the legal system and judiciary is presented, and the many benefits of implementation of trauma informed principles to legal practice are discussed.'

    The applicability of `trauma-informed practice’ to the practice of law is increasinglyrecognised.

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    'Although it originated in criminal justice, restorative justice is essentially a peacebuilding or conflict transformation approach to justice. The crossdisciplinary experience at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding has suggested some important lessons for restorative justice, peacebuilding and related fields. These include the role of trauma and victimization in justice and peacebuilding; the significance of justice questions in trauma and conflict resolution; the importance of addressing responsibilities as well as needs; the role of shame, storytelling and empathy; the commonality of underlying values; the need for our fields to address underlying issues of bias and structure; and the susceptibility of our fields to unintended consequences. Restorative justice suggests some questions and issues that may be of use to peacebuilding practitioners in general. Above all, it is important for all of us to see ourselves within a larger umbrella of peacebuilding; this will require that we move from competition to collaboration and adopt a common vision of "justpeace."'

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    'Restorative justice offers those who have been disenfranchised, marginalized, and disempowered a means of recovering agency. The need to respond to the harms that hate speech creates in vulnerable populations is imperative as humanity increasingly spreads messages via social media. New research on survivors of traumatic incidents and those who live with the day-to-day trauma of ambient prejudice demonstrates a need to empower victims of hate speech against its perpetrators.'

    How can we prevent retraumatization of vulnerable individuals and enable them to seek redress?

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