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'CASE STUDIES Introduction This document presents nine case studies that provide in-depth examples of the social, wellbeing and cultural outcomes achieved through restorative justice conferencing. Much of the national evidence about the effectiveness of conferencing is based on the assessment of criminogenic outcomes, such as reductions in reoffending. However, an exclusive focus on reoffending fails to capture other important benefits for victims, young people and families, such as: offenders taking responsibility for their actions; the healing benefits for victims; reductions in fear of crime; material restoration; the reintegration of marginalised young people back into their communities; and conflict resolution (Suzuki, 2017, p. 7; Larsen, 2014; Cunneen & Luke, 2007). The case studies also provide a practitioner account of the conferencing process and include reflections about key elements of effective practice. All cases have been anonymised and prepared with the consent of the young people and participants of the conference. '