Our ideas on how to make for a better world when the virus crisis is over.
Good things are already coming out of the C-19 crisis. And there will be more to come, as we stand together. We need to craft the narrative and deliver the message through sustained and powerful activism in whatever context we find ourselves.

Photo by CJ Dayrit on Unsplash
We invite you to contribute your ideas.
The world as we knew it has been turned up-side-down. Seventy years of prosperity since the end of WW2 is being hijacked. By nature. Nature so ruthlessly destroyed in pursuit of greed has called Time! The growth game is over, at least for now. The main theme in the April 2020 SDN newsletter is what’s on every thinking and fair-minded person’s mind – ‘How do we build a better world when this is all over?’
We invite your ideas on how we can make a better world when the C-19 crisis is over. Your ideas here will be visible to others, and will inspire them and create interest.
Scroll down to read the ideas.
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Our Ideas
The Covid-19 crisis has
The Covid-19 crisis has slowed world growth and also reduced carbon emissions. We must make sure they stay low when it's over.
Here is a link that examines
Here is a link that examines the data around the reduction on carbon emissions resulting from the pandemic. It is provided by 'Carbon Brief’ ' a UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy’. They say: ‘The coronavirus crisis could trigger the largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions in 2020, more than during any previous economic crisis or period of war.'
...read moreAs we begin to get the
As we begin to get the pandemic under control, we need to facilitate Drawing the Lines between Covid-19 and Environmental Degradation.
Early May in the Southern
Early May in the Southern Hemisphere, some say, is a time for composting the old and conceiving the new in Her dark fertility.
As dark waxes towards fullness I put forward my idea. It is time to reconsider the meaning of the word 'economy'. This is a created concept and therefore it can be recreated. I see a world where this recreation includes all beings: flora and fauna, volunteers, women and children. It includes UBI (Universal Basic Income). It includes the well-being of all. It includes the whole of society. It moves away from the idea of profit to the idea of connectivity. We will have a shift form money ruling our decisions to well-being ruling our decisions. In other words it is about inclusiveness and recognising the connectivity of all.
We need to explore ways of
We need to explore ways of pressuring politicians of all stripes to support affordable home building projects by reinstating policies that make it easier for owner builders.
...read moreWhy wait til the crisis is
Why wait til the crisis is over, why not start now - that's what I'm doing, and in a variety of ways.
...read moreCrafting the narrative is
Crafting the narrative is critical.
...read moreAnd my other idea (apart from
And my other idea (apart from building a Hugelkulrur raised bed, a superb way to carbon sequester AND get to know your neighbours) is: perhaps what could be very helpful right now, is a series of permanent links on the main page of SDN to groups that are already successfully off and running - such as transition.org in the UK and Europe, and now also on the east coast of Oz, and their U.S. counterpart, local.blue . There are several others as well, (its fun to go looking for these, and the more you look, the more of them you find) that have already covered a lot of what is taxing our brains.
...read moreWHO is now reporting the
WHO is now reporting the ~possibility~ that Covid-19 will be around forever.
Mind/Community exercise: